PCS Lite - Team Performance Measure

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Enhance your deployment of PCS Lite - support from an Expert Coach

PCS Lite is a superb stand-alone assessment from which you will learn and understand a lot.

How you apply the insights, what you do, and how you hold yourself accountable to acting, that's where a coach comes in.

Our team of Expert PCS Coaches can build upon the knowledge of your PCS Lite assessment, and build the action plan and keep you on the path to enhancing your team's performance.

AUD 750

Order summary

PCS Lite - Team Performance Measure

You are about to purchase the PCS Lite Team Performance Measure.

Only a couple more steps to go and you'll have all that you need to understand how your team is performing today.

Simply complete this form including payment details and all the details will be emailed out to you.

AUD 850
Total due AUD 850

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